Monday 9 July 2012

Sunday night.

A long weekend.

My weekend sometimes last all week, that's the sort of life I lead.
 It sounds good, it is good but?
Anyway, this weekend has been nice, I went for a pint with Mick. He works for me and we do okay, not brilliant but okay. The bills get paid and there's some left over. We both have very small out-goings which means on a bad week we don't go in debt. On a good week,not that we've had many good weeks lately, it's mostly ours.
We had a pint, it was one of those nights when you have one which leads to another and the next thing you know it's throwing out time.

Jimmy and David two actors came in just as I was going home. We had talked about a play, mostly when were all drunk and it seems like a good idea.

We have a story, well I do and we talk about what we all want in the play, it's very pally. So anyway we've come up with a story and a formula which we all like.
It ended up with 'So go and write it Paul'.

So I started last night. I did 7 pages before I ran out of steam, but that's good, I've started.
Because I know them and because most of the story writes itself. They are good actors, no, brilliant actors so I better just keep plugging away.

Singers night, Sunday.

I enjoyed tonight, ever night is different but tonight not many public came in so we were singing to ourselves, but Liz came in and took the biggest claps, she deserved it. She plays the Uke and sings, very enjoyable.

Golf tomorrow, yippee. Good night.

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