Saturday 22 December 2012

Ramble ramble.


Not everyone likes Christmas, in fact the people you ask the more you find out your not the only one.

A lot of bad things have happened to me in late December. I find it's a time to remember these things. I'm always glad when it's over and I can get back to enjoying myself.

I hate getting presents especially off people who should not be buying me things.
If I want something I go and buy it, so for someone to get me something, why?  Humbug!!

I know what your saying 'Grumpy old sod' and your right but unless you have children who still believe why bother.


I've got to write out my application for the Fine Arts Degree and get it in by the 15th Jan 2013. You can only write 4000 characters in the application. I think that's about 800 words.
It's one of the few courses that's has an interview acceptance. Not medicine, not law or most other courses.


I aways worry when I put my accounts in, I have a chat with the accountant. It's his job to make sure I'm not fiddling the books, it's his reputation on the line.

I tell him how the year has gone (it's been bad for quite a while now ) and then hand over my bits of paper, a few days later I get the tax forms to sign and return. It's not to bad this year, well they can't get blood out of a stone (but they would if they could).

It's been done and I know what I have to pay, in 3 payments over the next 9 months. I'm happy.

Bob, and the scan.

Bobs been for a scan, it's not cancer.

They have now gone from suggesting palliative care to a course of antibiotics and some rest. .................. What about me?????        I need a rest from worrying about him, he must feel relived about it but why would they put the shits up him like that????


The rain has been incessant, day after day. We worked in rain all day today, it make it slippy and dangerous. What could we do we finish work for Christmas tomorrow so we had to get things finished.

But the worst is the golf, we went out on Monday and I shot 48 points (that's a lot, 12 shots better than I should) the best I've played for many years. I'm keen to get out while I'm playing well, but the course is flooded. I'll just have to wait, it keeps on raining


I've been invited to a posh party, part of the football friends ( rich ). My golf partner was invited as well, so I was quite happy with that, we could suit in the corner and get 'Merry'. Suddenly GP has called off, he has to go and see a band playing in his local pub. I'm like a rabbit caught in a car headlights, just can't get out of the way.

I do know most of the people going so I'll make the best of a bad thing, an early exit I think.

Just one small problem, I fancy the hostess, .......  she's married, ............  she's the deputy head of the collage I'm enrolling at.  

NO, I'll be very good. But it's hard. Especially when drunk.

It may be sometime.

I'm not sure when I'll post over the holidays, I've not written much lately. I will be trying to post a bit more often. Also I've been cheating lately by post a chapter of the book when I did not feel like writing, but now the accounts are done I may get a bit more time to write.

I'm not going to say 'Have a nice one' or any other Christmas crap, lets just get from here to early January without to much shit.

Good night.

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