Wednesday 26 February 2014

Quick news,

So many things to tell you.

I don't know where to start.

So I'll start with the dating stuff.
After a slow start it's all gone bang. Whooosh.

I'm chatting to loads of 'Girls', remember anything under 45 is a dolly bird to me. So I'm writing about 10 mails a night, plus reading all their profiles, I think I need a night off.

I got a message from an ex-police woman tonight.............. yup, nice girl, remember under 45 is a dolly bird.
I'm also in contact with all sorts of women, it's fun, ......... it's time consuming, that's why I have not posted for a while.
I'll keep you informed, but only on a surface level, it's not fair on them, they don't know I'm a blogger.


Yes I finished work last week, on the Saturday and thought................... yes pop into Newcastle on my own for a drink. I've done a lot of drinking on my own, it's easier.
So, went in to the first pub, a bit posh, up market. One drink.
Then down the street to a busy, half disco sort of bar, a couple of my friends drink there, so hoping to catch up with them
The barman was very smart, tie, shirt, nice looking (No I'm not gay, but I know a nice looking boy when I see one) he disappeared with my order, 1 Guinness. Now remember at this point I had only had one drink.
I wandered around to where the gang hang out, had a drink ......................... dizzy, ....... not quite right. I held on to the wall and stood for a while. Yes, something was up.
For some strange reason, I carried on drinking my drink. I stood, and stood, .............. it took me about 30 to 40 minutes to get myself in a position of being able to walk outside to get a taxi. 
I went outside and went home. 
The next morning, I could still taste the 'Spike' on my lips. It was strong. The only person that could have done that was the barman, nobody else got near my drink, it was in my hand all the time.

Now, I hear you saying .............. Why? .......... yup, that's the question. Why?
The only answer I could come up with was  'Devilment' just because he could. 
Look, I'm a smart arse, super smooth, tall, cocky. .............. Lets take him down a peg or two.

Well that's the story, I know how much I can drink, ... had to much many times, made an arse of myself many times. But not that night. 
Mick who used to work for me for 23 years was in the bar the other afternoon.

Micks story,.......... he was out with a friend, they decided to go to Wallsend, a town about 3 miles from him. They had a few drinks, the next thing Mick remembers is walking through Howdon, completely the wrong way home for Mick. About 4 miles in the wrong direction. He does know how he got there, not a clue. Said everything was fine in the Wallsend pub. Then ........... what am I doing here?
So the question is, how much of this is going on? from now on, I want to see them pour my drink.

What else?

Well work is going well, I'm settling in a bit now, starting to feel comfortable. 

My computer is playing up. I was given it by my golf partner, who had a business which had about 5 or 6 computers, so he gave me one. I took it to a local shop, and they installed XP, I like it simple, but it's a dodgy copy. Now Microsoft are kicking up, they want money for a copy of Window 7. I tried to buy, but ....... it's not letting me go past a certain point. So I may be off line for a while. I'm still using XP, but for how long, not sure. 
Come on Microsoft, let me pay. 

I won my first game of golf for a while, ....... just a bad patch, with A playing so well, it was hard to get back on top. I'm playing on Friday, so we'll see.

My keyboard playing is coming on, I had a trapped nerve in my left hand and could not play the guitar. So I dug out this keyboard, I'm really enjoying it, nearly ready to play down the pub. Yup, it's nice.

It's 22.47........... 26 Feb 2014
Good night. 
Un edited, as per normal. Can't be bothered. 


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