Saturday 14 June 2014

Friday night, Saturday Morn.

Oh, such is life.

So, the daughter is home.     ................... Yes well get on with it.
She's a good girl................. I think. We get on well and that might sound strange as, as in .......... yes you should get on with your own daughter.
But what I mean is .............. we do have a strong bond, two of a kind, pee's in a pod. We both burn the candle at both ends, for today, .......... I'm thinking of more devil may care sayings.
So, sometimes we don't see eye to eye, but most times we do. I get advice from her, she ignores my advice. That's just the way it is. She's her mothers daughter, so alike.

She's applying for jobs, but ti's one of those things ................ it's who you know rather than what you know. Anyway she's been on the computer most days sending her C.V. off. 

Next door.

I own next door, .......... I wish I did not but I do.
I have a tenant in, and I want to sell, I could have a boat load of money, but what do I have. A thorn in my side.

He's a bit slow with the rent, I have warned him I want to sell, so ........... what would you do if your landlord said that?

You would make sure you paid your rent, I would. He's 4 days late. I sent him a text (we never see each other, I don't know how he does it)....................... ('your 3 days late' ...................... 'I've never seen you' .............. 'My daughter is in all day') 
That was today, I came home, no rent. ??
I think I'm getting close to ........................... a letter. ..................A final letter.

The sister.

Yes I have more sisters than .................. than .............. most people (7) ...... or six, I 'm thinking again,......... seven. Look I was not at home when most of them arrived, most of them are much younger than me.
The sister in question (Number 2) she lives in the same area as me. Tyneside, Newcastle. She's on holiday, she has suddenly taken to planting .............lots, no hundreds , no thousands of plants. She does nothing half hearted. When she does anything it has to be the most, biggest, the best.
She's on holiday, I have to water the plants................ it takes for ever. Load after load of water.

She back soon, ........... good.............. She can look after her own obsession. 

So, while I've been writing this blog (and we know I'm a night owl, so do most things late) my daughter came down............... for a glass of water. She read the first bit and gave me a hug. That will cost me.

Dad, ........... you know that blog your writing about me? ................ No, it's about me, you happen to make an appearance. 
................. Well I think you should buy me a new dress, and I'll let you write about me. .............. !! ??
........................ What type of dress? ................... A black one ........................ Okay. ................... ............................ Don't read my blog though......... ..................................... Okay.

It's ten past one, on a Friday night. I've had a drink (who's counting?) I'm off to bed.

I'm not sure of the date, but it's Friday, well Saturday morning. Good night. 

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