Thursday 19 June 2014

I hate you.

The new computer.

I hate the dam thing. 
I don't know why they have made it so hard to navigate. 
I'm sure they could spy on us with a simpler system. 

I'm wasting my life not achieving anything. We would not have computers if the first lot were this complicated.

I hate this machine, I also hate Windows. ........... Yes I hate windows the most.

Window 8, shit.
Sorry, but it needed saying. I can't do a thing with this.

I had a perfectly good printer/ scanner.................. it won't work.
I had some good home recording program (cost a fortune) it won't work
I should have just bought a second hand computer with old programs on and stayed off the net. 

Sorry I'm in a bad mood. .......................... I still hate this machine and will for a very long time.
(Yes I'm talking about you).

I'm going to call it Hal9000.

It's 11.38 at night and I start work at 06.00.

Good night.

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