Wednesday 16 May 2012

Clever these adverts.

They are watching me.

At first I thought it was strange, how if I mentioned something on the net, anywhere Facebook, blog, twitter or in an email the next time I saw an advert it would pertain to me.
I'll give you a few examples. I've been shopping around for an annuity and sure enough the adverts have pension ad's in the boxes on the left. I mention I'm off to New York, the ad's will give me a good exchange rate. It goes on, but just this week the machines have decided I need a girlfriend and I'm a bit long in the tooth. Mature dating.
Five years ago I did try findafriend or something like that. You start off real keen, reading all the profiles. People would wink at me (talk to me please) and I would go and look them up. The rub was they got an email saying I was looking at their profile. She would be some woman who did not have a photo, had not put in any details and was looking for a millionaire with highly defined Ab's roughly 15-20 years her junior.

I do have a six pack, well it's down to 4 now I drank 2 last night.
Well in the year I was on 'Findafriend' I had one long chat with a woman from Ponteland about rabbits (my rabbit had just been killed by a fox, I could post a photo) and I had one date. Well I had two dates with the same woman. She was nice enough, we met in town and had a nice time and that week we had Sunday lunch, we stopped talking half way through lunch and that was the end of that.
I hate failure and I saw this as a failure, so that was the end of my on-line dating.

Reading between the lines on the dating site was an art, I don't know why they don't all just use the same template and change the colour of their eye's.
'I like walking' (to the bar).
'I like classical music' (she does not know how to change channels on the car radio).
'A few extra pounds' (She can, on a good day get into size 18 nickers).
'Gin & T is my drink' (Hey, don't drown it, I'll be pissing all night).

It's my defence mechanism kicking in, I have to be hard this time round. I had to stop just marrying the first person who came along. I'm being cynical here. My first marriage was very happy for 14 years, but we were married for 16.5 years. She was shot dead by her next husband (true).
My next wife is still alive so I'll just put down, I don't know where that one went wrong. Which is true, all the normal failure points were not there. I still love her but would not go back down that road.

Crime going up?

My van had the quarter light window punched in last night and they stole my Tax disc. The window was £55 and a new tax disc is £7.00. The van was outside Micks house.
That's the first time in years, but when I had 4 vans on the road we were always having problems. We had a crime against our vans every 11 weeks for two years in the late 90's. Lots of ladders on the roof, easy to steal.

Down that road.

I was going through my songs on the computer and fell across two songs that I had written quite a long time ago (10 years). I don't write any more, just to lazy.
It's great to sing your own songs. No one can come up to you afterwards and say 'Rod Stewart does that better' because that pisses me off. I normally answer 'Yer, I'm a bit better when I have a 34 piece orchestra behind me with a 2 hour sound check'.

Anyway, they are both very bitter songs. One of them 'One night stand' I wrote in one session, it was on 7 pieces of paper when I finished it and I've only sung it once in public for some reason I forgot about it. It's a long ramble and at the end of the night she kicks him out.
I don't do happy songs, the only time I found myself singing upbeat songs I was depressed (not for long).

Well I've just spent 30 minutes looking for a picture of the rabbit, I've been in loads of folders and I can't find one, sorry. But when I had a preview of this blog, the advert at the bottom of the page had 'Mature dating'. Good night.

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