Thursday 17 May 2012

Fingers crossed.

The Lotto.

When I buy a Lotto ticket I don't just buy a chance to win.
No, I get a lot more than that, I get a chance to dream. When your on top of a massive building with the wind and rain coming in sideways and everything is slipping and your hands are cold, you can dream of how good life will be when your numbers come up.
Anyway about 3 weeks ago I was coming out of the supermarket and just had a feeling, yes I'll put a pound on. So I stood there trying to get some inspiration and eventually thought of six numbers (how hard can it be).
Later on I remembered my ticket, I could not find the thing. I looked in all my trouser pockets, all the daft places I could put the dam thing. Eventually I gave up.
Yesterday I had to re-new my road tax disc which had been stolen, they punched the window out and grabbed the disc and off.
The Lotto ticket was in the van document folder, it must have been the day I renewed the road tax. So I went on-line and checked. They say there is a silver lining to every cloud. Not one number matched.

 Poor Spider.

The spider in the bathroom has not been seen since I accidental sprayed it while cleaning the bathroom (that's the English bathroom, although I noticed the Americans now call it the restroom, do they have a little kip). He was harmless, poor thing.
The Blue Tits are still flying in and out but no sound comes out of the box. Maybe they are holding back because it's still cold here. It was down to 2C the other night with a ground frost out in the sticks.


The phone is dead, my business is a barometer of what's happening on the High St and it's bad. I could tell the Government way ahead of their figures what's happening. It makes me laugh when people say 'I'm only getting a 1% pay rise'. Most self-employed I know are 40-50% down on 2 years ago, and the bills still have to be paid. Sorry, rant over.

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