Thursday 7 February 2013

Sisters. 7, yes 7.

Bad news.

While I was away one of my friends passed way. Unfortunately I was in France when the funeral was on and when I got back nobody thought to tell me.

I moved away from South Shields in 1986. Three of us and our wives knocked about together all the time. We all worked on the buses, we played golf, we went drinking, just the men and with the wives, we had parties and days out.

I was promoted and sent to the other side of the river. We made a pact that we would meet once a month, me coming over the water twice for every once they came over to my side.

The first month I went over and stayed at Jim's house, going home the next day. A month later I went over again and the same I stopped at Jim's.

On the third month they never came across, both making excuses. The next month they never came across, so I stopped going over and the phone calls got less and less.

Two years ago I got an email from the son of Nick, it's Nick's 60th birthday would I go over? I said yes but on the night of the party I felt ill. It was a long way to go so I never went. I regretted it ever since. That would have been the last time I would have seen Jim.

I'm going to write a letter to his widow.


I'm from Manchester. I don't have a Manchester accent because most of my upbringing was done either in Germany or Malaya (Malaysia now) and even when we were posted to England it was never Manchester. My accent is 'Army Kid'. All the army kids no matter where the parents were from would talk with my accent. Every now and again I hear the accent and find out that there parents were in the forces.

Anyway, when people ask me where I'm from and I say Manchester they say 'Oh which part?' and I tell them Harperhey. 'Where?'

Tonight a TV program has started on BBC3 (9pm) about the people from Harperhey. What a bunch of Wallies. They have managed to find every arsehole in Harperhey and film it.

It is a poor area, we were poor, but it was respectable. Now it's a very run down part of Manchester.
I only go back for wedding and funerals now, but when I do I visit my Grandparents graves and go down our old street.

This is a picture of me and my oldest sister in our back yard.
My mother must have taken this near the door of the outside toilet.

Sister meets Cat Woman.

I finished work tonight and popped into the Chilli (Chillingham Arms) and my phone rang. It was Number2, my other sister (not the one in the photo). She said she was nearby and would call in.
Cat Woman was sitting on a table with a couple of friends. When Number 2 arrived I told her that Cat Woman was over there.
Number 2 went straight over and had a conversation with her, sitting at her table for over half and hour. I stood at the bar with Mick (co-worker).
I took a fresh drink over to my sister she whispered 'I like her'

I went home at the end of my drink.

Off to bed, good night.

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